Offices for rent - Budapest

Found 376 offices.

  • Krausz Palota

    Budapest, VI. Andrássy út 12.


    Gross leasable area: 5 638 sq m

    Office space for rent: 2 723 sq m

    Office building Andrássy 12 (Krausz Palace) is located in the heart of Budapest, in the area bordered by Andrássy Avenue (part of the World Heritage), Révay utca and Dobó utca, at No. 12 Andrássy Avenue. It was built in 1884 based on the plans by architect Zsigmond Quittner, and was ornamented by th...

  • Krisztina 55

    Budapest, II. Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.


    Gross leasable area: 22 031 sq m

    Office space for rent: none

    The office was buitl in 1954 and underwent complete renovation in 1999. The Wing Zrt. projects to renovate the building in 2017 so that it becoems suitable for a HQ project. The unit entails a massive conferance hall, resaturant and a range of services are avilable in the vicinity. The office offers...

  • Krisztina Palace

    Budapest, XII. Nagyenyed u. 8-14.


    Gross leasable area: 17 528 sq m

    Office space for rent: 4 289 sq m

    "Krisztina Palace is a distinguished office building satisfying all modern market expectations. The comfort of the tenants is supported by high quality building manage¬ment, overall security system and a special, environmentally friendly fan-coil system that reacts to temperature changes whilst open...

  • Krisztina Plaza

    Budapest, I. Budapest Krisztina krt. 39


    Gross leasable area: 16 700 sq m

    Office space for rent: 10 847 sq m

    Krisztina Plaza was built directly adjacent to Deli Railway station during 2000 and 2001 by the Imperial Company of Linz. The 18 000 sqm office unit was designed by Ivady Zoltan architect. The location is well endowed with transport connections and all services can be found on site or in the vicinit...

  • Lajos utca 80

    Budapest, III. Lajos utca 80.


    Gross leasable area: 3 314 sq m

    Office space for rent: 655 sq m

    The Lajos Street office complex is located in the historic heart of Óbuda, in the area bordered by Lajos Street, Nagyszombat Street, Bokor Street and Galagonya Street. From the offices you can see the ruins of the ancient Roman Amphitheater. In the immediate vicinity of the office building you will ...